For as much as one could say that Doom Eternal and its predecessor, Doom 2016, captured the spirit of the original games with their speed, aggression and demanding combat, the originals do play very differently. There’s no escaping this fact, but as YouTuber LeonardoETC’s new video shows, you can have the best of both worlds. LeonardoETC decided to strip Eternal from everything not found in the originals (Doom 1 & 2), and ramp the movement speed up to 49.5mph just like it was then. That figure is based on Reddit user Phytor’s calculation, in case you’re wondering. LeonardoETC is not using any jumps (except where necessitated by level design), dashes or glory kills. They also only rely on weapons that appeared in the original two games, so no Heavy Cannon, Crucible or any of the new additions. The Super Shotgun is there, of course, but the Meat Hook remains idle. Keeping things nice and authentic, LeonardoETC disabled the crosshair and positioned the weapon model on the correct side of the screen. To top it all off, they even managed to layer the classic sound effects on top of Doom Eternal’s visuals and animations. It’s fascinating to watch. If nothing else, it helps illustrate how different, yet similar the reboot is to the classics.