It is no secret that Call of Duty: Warzone has long had troubles with cheaters and hackers. Just recently, developer Raven committed to monthly updates on cheating, and ramped up ban waves in effort to cut down on their numbers. Though the issue seems to be more under control now compared to say, a month ago, Warzone’s anti-cheat tech was recently tested when a new hack was deployed by frustrated cheaters. The new problem, which seems to be a hack rather than a bug, allows bad actors to end a Warzone match any time they choose. As spotted by ModernWarzone, Twitch streamer BisaG10 ran into this first hand when the match quickly ended with 18 players left. In fact, as the clip below shows, it ended with a killcam, which just doesn’t happen at the end of matches in Warzone, only when you get killed at any point.

Then there’s this example from Luke Frost on Twitter, who replied to the tweet showing BisaG10’s clip with his own, where the game instead ended with 64 players remaining, likewise with a killcam. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Luke Frost (@itfcluke) March 11, 2021 There’s a possibility that this may simply be a bug, of course, but it’s hard to tell. In both examples, the end-of-round display shows the player as the winner. The two clips also show the game ending at different stages, meaning the hacker potentially decided to do it after getting killed or being frustrated for any other reason.