Announced via a blog post earlier today, a variety of info on each game and their placement on respective rankings such as recent changes in position, options to quickly switch regional toggles, and the ability to see total revenue. All in all, a handy tool! Those who have been around for a while, and people who have tried to look up this sort of information may have popped by the old stats page or websites like Steam Spy or Steam Charts (yes, there was a Steam Charts before this announcement, confusingly enough). It was possible to get a good idea of certain data points via these websites (some of which would pull information from the Steam API) That being said, having a new flashy place to grab this kind of data from an official source does make the process a whole lot easier. This is all around good news for everyone — transparency in this area can be a great resource for how the PC games market is doing at any time. It also makes sense that Valve would eventually come out with a updated and more accessible resource — if people are relying on third party websites for Steam-based data it might as well present it themselves in a more conveniant way. What do you think of the new Steam Charts website? It’s linked above for you to take a gander at — do you prefer it to the pre-existing resources out there? Let us know! For more Steam-related news, check out today’s news regarding the Modern Warfare 2 beta popping off with nearly 110,000 concurrent players on Steam.