That being said, some players eager to log into the fantasy-fuelled RPG have ran into some trouble. This particular issue is preventing people from entering servers and thus, even playing the game. The ‘Wanderer Creation Limit Reached’ error has popped up for quite a few new players over the weekend, but there’s a way around it.

What does Wanderer Creation Limit Reached mean in Tower of Fantasy?

Even though Tower of Fantasy released on August 11, servers continue to be incredibly busy and in some cases, full to the brim. This means that a lot of players are running into the Wandered Creation Limit Reached error when trying to make a new character in their chosen server. Essentially, the Wanderer Creation Limit Reached error means that the server you’re trying to join is full; there’s simply no more room for new characters to be created and added to that server. The error has been confusing to many new players, who have wondered how they could have reached the maximum limit for Wanderers when they haven’t even made one. However, the error almost certainly applies to the server you’re trying to join, rather than any of your own credentials.

How do I fix the Wanderer Creation Limit Reached error in Tower of Fantasy?

Simply put, you’ll want to close your game and then attemp to join from an alternative server. If you’re trying to join a server and it is full, you’ll continue to encounter the error until you join one that has space. Luckily enough, you can save yourself some time from testing which servers are viable via trial and error. The server list in Tower of Fantasy shows queues and capacity using a traffic light system. Alongside each server is a red, yellow, or green symbol. Red indicates the server is nearly full, while green indicates that the server has plenty of space. Simply join a server with a green or yellow symbol beside it. You can join some servers with red symbols beside them, but be prepared to face another error or wait a little before you can join. That’s it for Tower of Fantasy. If you’re just starting the game, don’t forget to check out our guide to farming Nucleus’ which are used for your gacha pulls, as well as how to upgrade your weapon.