Centering around the relationship fostered between co-protagonists Joel and Ellie, The Last of Us launched to near universal acclaim back in 2013 and is renowned to this day for its dark and harrowing grit. The sequel, spearheaded by Neil Druckmann and Halley Gross, has been eagerly anticipated by fans ever since credits rolled on the inaugural game. It feels somewhat fitting that it’s due to ship in the same week as the original title, except seven years on. If you’re curious about The Last of Us Part 2, be sure to check out our spoiler-free review, in which Kirk calls it a “generation-defining masterpiece.” You can also check out a video version of the review below. “When the credits rolled on The Last of Us Part 2 I was still buzzing from the excitement of the final few hours,” reads the review. “My loyalty shifted between characters. I grew to love who I hated and dislike who I loved. I laughed, I teared up. I felt anger and elation. It’s the new high water mark for video game characters and I can’t wait for everyone to see just how special it is.” “As soon as it ended, I booted up New Game Plus and I’m experiencing it again with my eyes open, the context of the finished story imprinting new meaning into those early scenes and characters. I’m not swiping in the dark anymore.” We’ve also compiled a handy round-up of other reviews for you, which indicates that - like its predecessor - The Last of Us Part 2 has been received with near universal acclaim. Apparently Naughty Dog’s next project will be either The Last of Us Part 3 or a brand new IP.