That’s according to studio founder and CEO Glen Schofield, who announced the change in a tweet. Striking Distance was established by PUBG publisher PUBG Corp. in 2019 to work on games set in the PUBG universe. According to Schofield, as development progressed, the game “grew into its own world.” Originally part of the PUBG timeline, the upcoming horror game was set 300 years into the future. PUBG players shouldn’t be too disappointed though, as there will still be a “few surprises for fans,” but the game now features its own story and universe. Set on Jupiter’s moon Callisto in the year 2320, the game challenges you to escape a maximum-security prison and uncover its terrifying secrets. You can expect a blend of horror, action, and immersive storytelling. Unveiled at The Game Awards 2020 with a cinematic trailer, the game is an all-new take on the horror genre and is slated for a PC and console release sometime this year.