In a new tech demo (via IGN), Valve shows off some of the Steam Deck’s more interesting features – specifically focusing on the built-in gyroscopic controls that can combine with its capacitive touchpads and thumbsticks, giving you more control over your game than you may have seen before. “We have capacitive touch joysticks,” explained Valve designer Scott Dalton. “And one of the really cool things about that is we can use that in tandem with our gyroscope to sort of turn on or turn off gyroscopic aiming and motion controls in games.” One of the most interesting things you’ll see in the video is how much control the gyro offers – it’s fine and precise, not clunky and difficult to use (which may be your experience with gyro controls in other hardware solutions). Dalton noted that you can use the gyro controls to get the same  “precise little micro-movements” you get when using a mouse on desktop. Between the advancements in handheld tech here, and Valve’s promise that you won’t have to worry about analogue stick drift, it sure looks like the Steam Deck is going to address many of our fears about handheld controls – especially versus the Nintendo Switch. Check out the Steam Deck’s impressive specs here. Previously known as SteamPal – likely the working codename – Steam Deck is slated to start shipping in December.