If you’re looking to learn Jamie, we’ve got the Jamie Street Fighter 6 move list here with all his special moves, super arts, and unique attacks.

Jamie Special Moves

The Devil Inside (Down, Down, + Punch)

The Devil Inside makes up the core of Jamie’s entire kit, and has him take a big drink from his totally non-alcoholic flask (gotta keep that teen age rating). This move isn’t an attack, and is easily punishable, but adds one charge in his drink gauge, which gives him additional moves and boons the more you do it. You can even hold it down to drink more at once, forcing opponents to rush you down.

Freeflow Strikes (Quarter Circle Forward + punch. Can be repeated twice more with Forward + Punch)

One of Jamie’s two rekka special moves, meaning a special move that can be extended with additional inputs. This is a string of punches that pushes Jamie forward and can make for a great combo ender. Not only that, but if you have four drink charges, it gains extra properties.

Freeflow Kicks (Quarter Circle Forward + Punch. Can be repeated twice more with Forward + Kick)

Similar to the Freeflow Strikes mentioned above, this is Jamie’s second Rekka special move, this time using kicks to continue the combo. It’s good to mix using this and Freeflow Strikes to keep your opponent guessing, making your assault harder to block in the process. A great way to start and end a combo.

Swagger Step (Quarter Circle Back + Punch)

A palm strike that knocks enemies back a good distance, this is a brilliant combo ender that puts some distance between you and your opponent, allowing an opportunity to drink some more and build up strength.

Arrow Kick (Z-Motion Forward / Forward, Down, Diagonal Forward + Kick)

Jamie’s in-built uppercut option, with a more horizontal directional blow than the traditional uppercut you’d find with Ryu or Ken. This sends both Jamie and a hit enemy flying skyward, but be careful, as if blocked it leaves you wide open for a counter attack.

Luminous Dive Kick (Quarter Circle Back + Kick. Requires one drink charge)

The first of Jamie’s special moves that requires some drink charges to use, the Luminous Dive kick is an aerial attack dive kick that can only be used during a forward jump, and has Jamie kick downwards with a brilliant combo starter.

Bakkai (Quarter Circle Forward + Kick. Requires 2 drink charges)

Requiring two levels of Jamie’s Drink metre, Bakkai is a low-hitting special move that has him spin across the ground breakdancer style. A rad way of sneaking under high attacks, and breaking through Drive Charge too by the way (if used hella early).

Tenshin (Half Circle Back / Forward, Down, Back + Kick. Requires three drink charges).

It’s a counter! Everyone loves a good counter move, and this one is brilliant too. While the standard parry that uses the drive gauge is a good way of absorbing incoming blows defensively, Tenshin is a excellent way of turning the tables on an aggressive opponent, stopping their attack in its tracks and providing an opening to start your own. Rad.

Swagger Hermit Punch (Quarter Circle back + Punch -> Forward + Punch. Requires 4 drink charges.)

Jamie’s final special move, and one that requires a maxed out drink gauge, this is a double-hitting blow that replaces Swagger Step, pushing enemies back far further and dealing more damage. Like Swagger Step, great for ending combos.

Jamie Super Arts

Breakin (Quarter Circle Forward x2 + Kick)

Jamie’s first super is an enhanced version of his Bakkai special move. It hits low numerous times and is a great way to end a combo.

The Devil’s Song (Quarter Circle Back x2 + Punch)

An enhanced version of The Devil Inside, this super temporarily provides Jamie maxed out drink charges, giving the full arsenal of special moves to him for a limited time. Great if you want to put the pressure on without spending all that time drinking at a distance.

Getsuga Saiho (Quarter Circle Forward x2 + Punch)

Jamie’s cinematic super art. A fast mid strike that leads into devastating damage It does even more if you’re at less than 25% health, so keep it in mind when you’re in a pinch.

Jamie Unique attacks

Jamie has a nice selection of unique normal attacks that players should keep in mind if they want to make the most of his tricky playstyle.

Tensei Kick (Down + 2 Kicks) Phantom Sway (Down + Heavy Kick -> Heavy Kick -> Punch) Falling Star Kick (Forward + Medium Kick) Hermit’s Elbow (Back + Heavy Punch) Sensei Kick (Forward + Heavy Kick) Bitter Strikes (Light Punch -> Light Kick -> Medium Punch. Requires 1 drink charge) Full Moon Kick (Forward + Medium Kick -> Medium Kick -> Punch. Requires 2 drink charge) Intoxicated Assault (back + Heavy Punch -> Heavy Punch -> Heavy Kick. Requires 3 drink charge) Ransui Haze (Forward + Heavy Kick -> Back + Heavy Kick -> Punch. Requires 4 drink charge)

That wraps up our move list guide for Jamie in Street Fighter 6! For more guides of a similar nature, check out our Street Fighter 6 beginner’s guide hub here!