Once you make your way into The Flat, the next action to take may not seem so obvious. Before you know it, you’ve circled the same flat five times and have knocked over every mug or book in the process. What exactly does that big computer screen need help with, anyway? Well, that big computer screen is your way out of here. However, you’ll need to help them out a tad first by acquiring some plugs and doing a little legwork. Without further ado, here’s how to collect all the plugs needed to get out of The Flat, and how to unlock B-12!

Stray - How to help the computer in The Flat

Once you first enter The Flat, you’ll soon find an incredibly large computer screen that is in need of help. This is your first hurdle, so to speak, as you’re probably wondering ‘how do I help them?’. It’s simple. Jump atop the keyboard that sits in front of the screen, and in typical cat fashion, start hammering away at the keys with your paws. Sure enough, whoever is on the other side of the computer screen responds. Keep typing until they’ve opened the door behind you. Go into the newly opened room, and the door will close behind you. This dim room is packed with computer equipment, and four computers need powering if you wish to escape The Flat and progress with Stray. The plugs are marked by a bright white light, but some are incredibly obscured from vision. Here’s exactly where to find all four of them, so you can make your exit!

Stray - Where to find all four plugs to escape The Flat

The first of the four can be found attached to some equipment on the table in the middle of the room. For the second plug, jump atop the stool by the shelves. From here, jump atop the shelves and move the items at the top by walking into them. You’ll find the second plug here! On the other side of the room, jump on the lever to move the computer along. Once the computer has moved, a plug at the bottom of it is revealed. Last, but not least, once the computer has finished moving, you’ll be able to jump on top of it and onto the nearby shelf. The fourth and final plug is here. Now that you’ve dealt with the computer and found the four plugs, your exit is revealed, hidden behind the bookshelves. You’re not completely out of The Flat just yet, but you’re not far off! Fortunately, your route from here is straight forward, and you won’t be alone either…

Stray - How to unlock B-12 and leave The Flat

The next portion of escaping The Flat should be straight forward, however, here’s some help just in case. In the newly revealed room, climb atop the shelf on the left and knock over the box that is labelled B-12. The small robot will drop out of the box and onto the floor. Pick up the bot and take it back to the original room. By the computers that you just powered, there is a yellow illuminated surface to place the bot on. Once powered, follow B-12 to collect the key from the pinboard. Now, advance into the next room and use the key on the red dial beside the huge computer screen from earlier. At long last, welcome to The Slums! For more on Stray, take a look at our review of the catventure, or our guide on finding all of B-12’s memories!

Stray  How to find all four plugs  unlock B 12  and leave The Flat - 26Stray  How to find all four plugs  unlock B 12  and leave The Flat - 63Stray  How to find all four plugs  unlock B 12  and leave The Flat - 5Stray  How to find all four plugs  unlock B 12  and leave The Flat - 95Stray  How to find all four plugs  unlock B 12  and leave The Flat - 14Stray  How to find all four plugs  unlock B 12  and leave The Flat - 89