Most users reporting the issue stated drift was mainly centered on the right thumbstick. According to Valve, the problem stemmed from a deadzone calibration issue introduced with the recent firmware update. The company has shipped a fix to address the problem. To download the update, you will need to go to Settings > Systems > Software Updates. Steam Deck launched on Febraury 25 after material shortages kept the handheld gaming PC from launching in December as intended. Valve said recently by next month, production will be in the “hundreds of thousands,” which means more people will be able to get their hands on them. In our review, Alex called the system “a technical marvel” and that “when it works,” it’s a “powerful proposition that genuinely might open up PC gaming and PC exclusives to a wider audience who don’t want a gaming laptop or a hefty desktop.” Our review goes on to state that through software updates and game verification, the launch iteration will “eventually be brilliant” as right now it can occasionally be buggy.