PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds is hailed by many players as one of the games that kicked off the battle royale craze that’s dominated much of the current generation, but in some ways, the game lagged behind its competitors as time went on. Where titles like Fortnite and Call of Duty Warzone managed to weave a story and progressive narrative elements into the game over time, PUBG instead remained focussed on its match-to-match focus, eschewing lore and a persistent story for a long time. Developer PUBG Corp evolved in time, though, and now – with the launch of Season 9 – the studio has launched a whole new site to curate and share story and narrative lore regarding PUBG. Whilst more diligent or eagle-eyed players of PUBG will have put a few pieces of the puzzle together over the previous few years, most players may be ignorant of the complex lore being filtered into the game. If that sounds like you, then the new site should help you out. It’ll give you some insight into the significance of some of the areas in the game at the moment, as well as an overview of the story behind the game so far. “You want to know more about the Battlegrounds, right?” says the welcome page on the site. “Who runs them? Why? What is a ‘chicken dinner’? Well, you’ve come to the right place. “This site will aim to answer those questions, but also show you our world is more than just the Battlegrounds. We will frequently update it with fresh content, telling you about the characters, places, and stories in the PUBG universe, as well as clues for future projects and upcoming games. Are you curious about what mysteries exist beyond the battlegrounds? Come on in and find out…” So, whether you want to find out more about PUBG’a characters, stories, artifacts, or even read some short stories, the developers have you sorted out. There are even entries about the Paramo Stone, for example, that give a bit more context to PUBG’s latest ever-changing map.