Pokemon Sword and Shield players can now transfer Pokemon from the Pokemon Bank using Pokemon Home. You can also transfer creatures from both Let’s Go games with Pokemon Go transfers coming soon. When you first fire it up, you will be met by Pokemon researcher Grand Oak who will assist you with the process. Pokemon will be registered to the National Pokedex when you deposit them in the Boxes in Home. If you move a Pokémon that Mega Evolve or Gigantamax, then these forms will be registered, too, as the Pokedex allows you to view entries from different games in one place. You’ll also be able to check each entry’s abilities and learnable moves. If you have the Premium Home plan for mobile or Switch, you’ll have access to the Judge function, which allows you to check the strength of each Pokemon. You can receive Mystery Gifts in the mobile version which allows you to receive gifts fo Sword and Pokémon Shield as well as gifts specifically for Home. Pokemon received in can be directly deposited in a Box. You can find out everything you need to know regarding Pokemon Home, including pricing, through our previous post.