The trailer shows a Yakuza-like ancient Japan filled with very familiar looking characters, clashing with that classic Yakuza comabt albeit with swords and flintlock pistols rather than fists, traffic cones and stray bicycle. In terms of story, it’s a classic affair for those familiar with the franchise. Our stern-faced protagonist gets caught up in some devious plot, requirng him to go out and fight-off goons across the land. The original game — Ryū ga Gotoku Ishin — was originally released in 2014 on PS3 and PS4. The Yakuza has recieved these every now and again and they’ve always looked like rad and entertaining twists on the franchise. Who can forget the zombie title Yakuza: Dead Souls, which put us in conrol as Majima as he took on hordes of undead with gusto. If you love yourself some 3rd-person action gameplay, but fancy a more classic setting than modern day Japan, this is a title you’ll want to keep an eye out for. You can watch the new trailer embedded above. What do you think about this new title coming next year? Are you excited to pick it up. Let us know below.