“The new division will be tasked with working with creative and talented professionals in television, music and film, as well as the more familiar games industry,” Russell told the site. “The team has as its charter, the goal of expanding the reach and awareness of the properties now under development at Kojima Productions, and to make them even more a part of our popular culture. Although we are a global organization, the new business development team will be centred in Los Angeles, CA. We are truly excited and looking forward to working with the very best entertainment talent we can, across all of the entertainment industries.” Kojima Productions’ business development manager Yoshiko Fukuda added that the new division will “take the studio into even more areas that present our creative narratives beyond videogames” and to “open up ways for our fans to communicate and immerse themselves in these spaces.” If you like the Kojima-flavoured video game madness of Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders and Death Stranding, then, you’re going to love whatever cinematic madness his studio starts pumping out into the ether when this new studio gets properly on its feet. In terms of what’s next from the company at large, legendary art director Yoji Shinkawa revealed (back in March) that we might not have to wait long to see what Kojima Productions is up to We know Kojima wants to make the scariest horror game and that Kojima Productions has been working on a new project since at least last 2020, but details beyond that remain obscured.