The past few days have exposed a budding cheater problem in Call of Duty: Warzone. Posts about encountering blatant cheaters are a daily occurrence on the game’s subreddit, with no signs of slowing down. In response, Activision said that over 50,000 players have been permanently banned since Warzone’s launch. The company also talked a little bit about how it fights cheating in the game. The big news is that in-game reporting is being revamped so that players can more easily report suspicious behaviour.

The publisher has a multi-pronged approach to combating cheating that relies on the input of security teams that monitor data and identify suspicious stats, as well as detect aimbots and other cheats that may not be immediately obvious in stats. The security teams also monitor player reports, and investigate whether a ban is necessary in each case. “We recognise that there’s no single solution for combating cheaters, it’s a constant enforcement every day, 24/7,” wrote Activision. “Rest assured, we’re committed to ensuring a fun and fair experience for everyone.” In other Warzone news, everyone is getting double XP, weapon XP and double tier progression this weekend for one last hurrah before the end of Season 2. Season 3 kicks off on Tuesday, with Duos, Quads and more leaked.