The anime series will debut on the streaming service in September. Titled Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, the series is a joint project between CD Projekt and Netflix. While set in the game’s universe, the show features a different story and takes place in a different period. Developed by Studio Trigger, the Japan-based animation company responsible for Little Witch Academia, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners was announced as being in the works back in 2020. Hiroyuki Imaishi (Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill, Promare) directed the series along with assistant director Masahiko Otsuka (Gurren Lagann, Promare). The original score was composed by Akira Yamaoka, known for the Silent Hill series. The team at CDPR started work on the title in 2018. According to Adam Badowski, Cyberpunk 2077 game director and CDPR head of studio, the team at CDP “devoured just about all the cyberpunk fiction there is to watch, read, and play.” Badowski also called Edgerunners a “love letter to cyberpunk” and stories told in animated form. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners will run for 10-episodes and tells the tale of a street kid trying to survive in Night City. Having “everything to lose,” he stays alive by becoming an edgerunner, a mercenary outlaw also known as a cyberpunk.