On May 4, Apex Legends: Legacy lands on PC and consoles with new Legend, Valkyrie, daughter of Viper. “Determined to carve her own path, and with her swarm of unique abilities, Valkyrie is ready to make history and have everyone in the Apex Games remember her name,” reads the description. You can get a look at the jetpack flying Legend’s new abilities in the vignette trailer above. From her passive to ultimate, Valkyrie’s abilities are:

Passive: VTOL Jets - Use Valkyrie’s jetpack to reposition or reach high places when scouting out foes. Jet fuel will be limited, but refills over time Tactical: Missile Swarm - Fire a swarm of mini-rockets that damage and disorient the enemy Ultimate: Skyward Dive - Take to the skies to reposition long distances across the map with the option for squadmates to join in.

Apex Legends: Legacy also features a new permanent 3v3 Mode - Arenas, the new weapon called the Bocek bow, an Olympus map update, a new Battle Pass, and more. The game is available on PS4, PS5,  Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.