At 150 players in every match, Call of Duty: Warzone is already well ahead of competitors Apex Legends, PUBG and most other battle royale games. But Infinity Ward is not stopping there. Speaking to USA Today, co-studio head, Patrick Kelly, said the team already has 200-player matches up and running internally, with the plan to bring that to the live game. “We brought a number of twists to battle royale,” said Kelly. “I do think the world you play in is going to be undeniably unique. For one thing, we are initially going to roll out with 150 players, when you are typically seeing 60 to 100.” “Actually, I can tell you we are already playing with 200 players. We are going to release that a little bit later,” he added.

A common request from players has been support for bigger squads. This is another thing Infinity Ward already has in the works. The developer tested Warzone with four and even five-player squads, but three was the sweet spot for launch. “I can tell you we have four- and five-player squads we are already playing with. But we want to launch with something we know works really well and we have tested to the nines and then play around with these different team sizes,” Kelly said. Separate from player counts, the developer wants Warzone to be interesting long-term, so expect more twists and new modes to arrive down the line. In other Warzone news, the first major exploit has been discovered, allowing players to revive infinitely in the gas. Catch up on the rest of our Warzone coverage at the link, and consult these Warzone tips to answer your burning questions.