Call of Duty: Warzone developer Infinity Ward has outlined a number of steps it has undertaken to combat the free-to-play mode’s cheating problem. There are several major details in Infinity Ward’s update worth highlighting. First, the game will now notify you if the player you reported got banned. Although more robust reporting tools have yet to arrive in Warzone, you can go to your Recent Players list and report them through there. An easier, more straightforward method of reporting through the killcam and spectator view is coming, but Infinity Ward did say when, other than “soon.”

Another great, and frankly a little amusing, change is that suspected cheaters will now get grouped together in their own matches. As part of these same efforts, Infinity Ward said it deployed “additional dedicated security updates,” though without explaining what that actually means. In any case, the developer seems to be taking this seriously, and has now allocated more resources to backend and enforcement teams, so that should hopefully help with the volume of reports. The developer previously revealed that over 70,000 cheaters had been banned. Players who continue to struggle with this problem have come up with a great solution that involves targeting cheat makers’ income.