Valheim has a command console where you can enter codes to remove your beard, spawn items, and almost anything you can imagine. These range from little quality-of-life improvements to full-on invulnerable god mode. There are just a couple of caveats attached to using console commands to cheat in Valheim. First off and as always, we can’t guarantee that using cheats to alter your game won’t cause issues with your save. It’s probably a good idea to back your save file up somewhere before doing anything drastic with console commands. Secondly, console command cheats can only be used in a single-player game, with a few specific exceptions for server admins. Now, how do you go about using console commands and cheats in Valheim? We’ve everything that you need to know right here!

On this page, you’ll find the following:

How to enable console commands in Valheim Valheim console commands: Utility and admin Valheim console commands: Creative mode Valheim console commands: Cheats list Valheim console commands: Spawn items list Valheim Crafting items console commands Valheim Armour pieces console commands Valheim Tools console commands Valheim Food console commands Valheim Meads console commands Valheim Weapons console commands Valheim Arrows console commands Valheim Vehicles console commands Valheim Trophies console commands Valheim Special items console commands Valheim Miscellaneous items console commands Valheim Enemies console commands Valheim Bosses console commands Valheim NPCs console commands Valheim Spawners console commands

How to enable console commands in Valheim

To enable console commands in Valheim, go to the game in your Steam Library, right-click it, and select ‘Properties’. Next, go to ‘General’, and look under ‘Launch Options’. In the empty box here, type ‘-console’. You can now launch Valheim and simply press F5 on your keyboard to bring up the command console. Then type “devcommand” (without the quotation marks) and hit Enter. You’ll see a message which reads “Cheats: True”. The command used to be “imacheater” but it changed earlier in 2021.

Valheim console commands - Utility and admin

Not every console command in Valheim is a cheat, strictly speaking. Quite a few of them just give you easier access to game functions that can be quite important under some circumstances. As such, they can be used in multiplayer as well as single player, as long as you’re the admin.

You can enter the following console commands to help with running your game:

help: Shows all available server commands. info: Displays the current system information. ping: Pings the server and displays the delay (in milliseconds). save: Saves the game. (The game usually only saves automatically on logout.) loadbias [1-5]: Sets draw distance. Enter “0” or leave number blank to display current draw distance.

The following admin-related console commands are available to the host in multiplayer:

ban [name/IP/userID]: Bans the named user from the server. kick [name/IP/userID]: Kicks the named user from the server. unban [name/IP/userID]: Unbans the named user from the server. banned: Displays a full list of users banned from the server.

Valheim console commands for creative mode

Valheim doesn’t currently have an official creative mode, but you can use console commands to access debug mode. This essentially does the same job, allowing you freedom to build without being tied to a workbench or worrying about resources.

Enter debugmode into the console to enable this mode, which allows you to:

Press “B” to toggle free building (no workbench/resources needed). Press “Z” to toggle flying. Press spacebar to fly up, Ctrl to fly down. Press “K” to kill all nearby enemies.

Valheim console commands: Cheats list

Now onto the really good stuff. Enter these cheats into the command console to gain in-depth control over your game. Just remember, cheats are used at your own risk! Valheim character cheats

god: Toggles god mode. You become invulnerable and can one-hit kill enemies. ghost: Toggles ghost mode. Enemies ignore you. raiseskill [skill name] [value]: Raises the named skill by the amount entered. resetskill [skill name]: Resets the named skill to zero. heal: Heals your character to full health. puke: Resets hunger and restores default health and stamina. model [0/1]: Switches character model between masculine and feminine body types. beard: Removes your character’s beard. (This appears to be permanent, not a toggle. Use with caution!) hair: Removes your character’s hair. (As above!) resetcharacter: Resets all of your character data.

Valheim gameplay cheats

killall: Kills all nearby enemies. tame: Tames all nearby creatures. dpsdebug: Toggles damage-per-second display. location: Sets spawn location. pos: Shows player coordinates. goto [X], [Y], [Z]: Teleports the player to the given coordinates. The “Y” value is optional. event [name]: Starts named event. randomevent: Starts a random event. stopevent: Stops the current event. tod [0-1]: Sets time of day. 0 and 1 are both midnight, 0.5 is noon, etc. Enter “-1” to revert to the default. skiptime [seconds]: Skips time forward by the given amount. sleep: Skips time forward one day. players [1-10]: Adjusts difficulty level as though playing in multiplayer with the given number of co-op partners. Enter ‘0’ to reset.

Valheim world cheats

exploremap: Reveals the entire map. resetmap: Hides the entire map. removedrops: Removes all dropped items in the area. env [environment name]: Sets debug environment. resetenv: Resets debug environment. wind [angle] [intensity]: Adjusts the direction and strength of the wind. resetwind: Resets the wind angle and intensity. freefly: Activates freecam. ffsmooth [0/1]: Sets/resets smooth movement on freecam. listkeys: Lists all global keys. setkey [name]: Sets new global key. resetkeys [name]: Resets the named key.

Valheim console commands - Spawn items list

Finally, you can use Valheim’s command console to spawn just about any item in the game. Enter spawn [ItemName] [Amount] [Level]. Item name and amount are both self-explanatory. Level is only applicable in certain circumstances, e.g. when spawning an enemy or creature. Below is a full list of items you can spawn in Valheim:

Valheim crafting items console commands

Amber AmberPearl AncientSeed Barley BarleyFlour BarleyWine BarleyWineBase BeechSeeds BlackMetal BlackMetalScrap Bloodbag BoneFragments Bronze BronzeNails BoneFragments CarrotSeeds Chitin Coal Coins Copper CopperOre CryptKey Crystal Dandelion DeerHide DragonEgg DragonTear ElderBark Entrails Feathers FineWood FirCone FishingBait FishRaw FishWraps Flametal FlametalOre Flax Flint FreezeGland GreydwarfEye Guck HardAntler Iron IronNails IronOre IronScrap LeatherScraps LinenThread LoxMeat LoxPelt LoxPie Needle Obsidian Ooze PineCone QueenBee Ruby SerpentScale SharpeningStone Silver SilverNecklace SilverOre Stone SurtlingCore Thistle Tin TinOre TrollHide TurnipSeeds WitheredBone WolfFang WolfPelt Wood YmirRemains NeckTail RawMeat Resin RoundLog SerpentMeat YagluthDrop

Valheim armour pieces console commands

ArmorBronzeChest ArmorBronzeLegs ArmorIronChest ArmorIronLegs ArmorLeatherChest ArmorLeatherLegs ArmorPaddedCuirass ArmorPaddedGreaves ArmorRagsChest ArmorRagsLegs ArmorTrollLeatherChest ArmorTrollLeatherLegs ArmorWolfChest ArmorWolfLegs CapeDeerHide CapeLinen CapeLox CapeOdin CapeTest CapeTrollHide CapeWolf HelmetBronze HelmetDrake HelmetDverger HelmetIron HelmetLeather HelmetOdin HelmetPadded HelmetTrollLeather HelmetYule

Valheim tools console commands

AxeBronze AxeFlint AxeIron AxeStone AxeBlackMetal PickaxeAntler PickaxeBronze PickaxeIron PickaxeStone Cultivator FishingRod Hammer Hoe

Valheim food console commands

Bread BloodPudding Blueberries Carrot CarrotSoup Cloudberry CookedLoxMeat CookedMeat FishCooked Honey Mushroom MushroomBlue MushroomYellow NeckTailGrilled Raspberry QueensJam Sausages SerpentMeatCooked SerpentStew Turnip TurnipStew

Valheim meads console commands

MeadBaseFrostResist MeadBaseHealthMedium MeadBaseHealthMinor MeadBasePoisonResist MeadBaseStaminaMedium MeadBaseStaminaMinor MeadBaseTasty MeadFrostResist MeadHealthMedium MeadHealthMinor MeadPoisonResist MeadStaminaMedium MeadStaminaMinor MeadTasty

Valheim weapons console commands

AtgeirBlackmetal AtgeirBronze AtgeirIron Battleaxe Bow BowDraugrFang BowFineWood BowHuntsman KnifeBlackMetal KnifeChitin KnifeCopper KnifeFlint MaceBronze MaceIron MaceNeedle MaceSilver ShieldBanded ShieldBlackmetal ShieldBlackmetalTower ShieldBronzeBuckler ShieldIronSquare ShieldIronTower ShieldKnight ShieldSerpentscale ShieldSilver ShieldWood ShieldWoodTower SledgeIron SledgeStagbreaker SpearBronze SpearChitin SpearElderbark SpearFlint SpearWolfFang SwordBlackmetal SwordBronze SwordCheat SwordIron SwordIronFire SwordSilver Tankard TankardOdin Club Torch

Valheim arrows console commands

ArrowBronze ArrowFire ArrowFlint ArrowFrost ArrowIron ArrowNeedle ArrowObsidian ArrowPoison ArrowSilver ArrowWood

Valheim vehicles console commands

Cart Raft Karve VikingShip Trailership

Valheim trophies console commands

TrophyBlob TrophyBoar TrophyBonemass TrophyDeathsquito TrophyDeer TrophyDragonQueen TrophyDraugr TrophyDraugrElite TrophyDraugrFem TrophyEikthyr TrophyFenring TrophyForestTroll TrophyFrostTroll TrophyGoblin TrophyGoblinBrute TrophyGoblinKing TrophyGoblinShaman TrophyGreydwarf TrophyGreydwarfBrute TrophyGreydwarfShaman TrophyHatchling TrophyLeech TrophyLox TrophyNeck TrophySerpent TrophySGolem TrophySkeleton TrophySkeletonPoison TrophySurtling TrophyTheElder TrophyWolf TrophyWraithTrophyBlob TrophyBoar TrophyBonemass TrophyDeathsquito TrophyDeer TrophyDragonQueen TrophyDraugr TrophyDraugrElite TrophyDraugrFem TrophyEikthyr TrophyFenring TrophyForestTroll TrophyFrostTroll TrophyGoblin TrophyGoblinBrute TrophyGoblinKing TrophyGoblinShaman TrophyGreydwarf TrophyGreydwarfBrute TrophyGreydwarfShaman TrophyHatchling TrophyLeech TrophyLox TrophyNeck TrophySerpent TrophySGolem TrophySkeleton TrophySkeletonPoison TrophySurtling TrophyTheElder TrophyWolf TrophyWraith

Valheim special items console commands

BeltStrength Wishbone HelmetDverger

Valheim miscellaneous items console commands

GlowingMushroom ancientbarkspear_projectile aoe_nova barrell bed bee_aoe beech_log beech_log_half Beech_Sapling Beech_small1 Beech_small2 Beech_Stub Beech1 Beehive Birch_log Birch_log_half Birch1 Birch1_aut Birch2 Birch2_aut BirchStub blastfurnace blob_aoe BlueberryBush boar_ragdoll BombOoze bonemass_aoe bonemass_throw_projectile bonfire BossStone_Bonemass BossStone_DragonQueen BossStone_Eikthyr BossStone_TheElder BossStone_Yagluth bow_projectile bow_projectile_fire bow_projectile_frost bow_projectile_needle bow_projectile_poison bronzespear_projectile bucket Bush01 Bush01_heath Bush02_en CargoCrate CastleKit_braided_box01 CastleKit_groundtorch CastleKit_groundtorch_green CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit CastleKit_pot03 Chain charcoal_kiln Chest CloudberryBush cultivate dead_deer Deathsquito_sting deer_ragdoll DeerGodExplosion DG_Cave DG_ForestCrypt DG_GoblinCamp DG_MeadowsFarm DG_MeadowsVillage DG_SunkenCrypt digg digg_v2 dragon_ice_projectile draugr_arrow draugr_bow_projectile Draugr_elite_ragdoll Draugr_ranged_ragdoll Draugr_ragdoll draugr_axe draugr_bow draugr_sword eikthyr_ragdoll dragoneggcup dungeon_forestcrypt_door dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate eventzone_bonemass eventzone_eikthyr eventzone_gdking eventzone_goblinking eventzone_moder EvilHeart_Forest EvilHeart_Swamp Fenring_ragdoll fermenter fire_pit FireFlies FirTree FirTree_log FirTree_log_half FirTree_oldLog FirTree_Sapling FirTree_small FirTree_small_dead FirTree_Stub Fish1 Fish2 Fish3 Fish4_cave FishingRodFloat FishingRodFloatProjectile Flies flintspear_projectile ForestTroll_ragdoll forge forge_ext1 forge_ext2 forge_ext3 forge_ext4 forge_ext5 forge_ext6 gdking_Ragdoll gdking_root_projectile goblin_banner goblin_bed Goblin_Dragdoll goblin_fence goblin_pole goblin_pole_small goblin_roof_45d goblin_roof_45d_corner goblin_roof_cap goblin_stairs goblin_stepladder goblin_totempole goblin_woodwall_1m goblin_woodwall_2m goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs GoblinArmband GoblinBrute_ArmGuard GoblinBrute_Attack GoblinBrute_Backbones GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap GoblinBrute_HipCloth GoblinBrute_LegBones GoblinBrute_ragdoll GoblinBrute_RageAttack GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard GoblinBrute_Taunt GoblinKing_ragdoll goblinking_totemholder GoblinShaman_attack_poke GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball GoblinShaman_protect_aoe GoblinShaman_ragdoll GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers GoblinSpear_projectile Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll Greydwarf_ragdoll Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll Greydwarf_throw_projectile Greyling_ragdoll guard_stone guard_stone_test GuckSack GuckSack_small Hatchling hatchling_cold_projectile Hatchling_ragdoll HealthUpgrade_Bonemass HealthUpgrade_GDKing hearth HeathRockPillar HeathRockPillar_frac highstone highstone_frac horizontal_web HugeRoot1 ice_rock1 ice_rock1_frac ice1 IceBlocker Imp_fireball_projectile iron_grate itemstand itemstandh Leech_cave Leviathan LocationProxy loot_chest_stone loot_chest_wood LootSpawner_pineforest lox_ragdoll lox_stomp_aoe_OLD marker01 marker02 MineRock_Copper MineRock_Iron MineRock_Meteorite MineRock_Obsidian MineRock_Stone MineRock_Tin MountainGraveStone01 mud_road mudpile mudpile_beacon mudpile_frac mudpile_old mudpile2 mudpile2_frac Neck_Ragdoll Oak_log Oak_log_half Oak1 OakStub odin OLD_wood_roof OLD_wood_roof_icorner OLD_wood_roof_ocorner OLD_wood_roof_top OLD_wood_wall_roof oozebomb_explosion oozebomb_projectile path paved_road Pickable_Barley Pickable_Barley_Wild Pickable_BogIronOre Pickable_Branch Pickable_Carrot Pickable_Dandelion Pickable_DolmenTreasure Pickable_DragonEgg Pickable_Flax Pickable_Flax_Wild Pickable_Flint Pickable_ForestCryptRandom Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01 Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02 Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03 Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04 Pickable_Item Pickable_Meteorite Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried Pickable_Mushroom Pickable_Mushroom_blue Pickable_Mushroom_yellow Pickable_Obsidian Pickable_RandomFood Pickable_SeedCarrot Pickable_SeedTurnip Pickable_Stone Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand Pickable_Thistle Pickable_Tin Pickable_Turnip piece_artisanstation piece_banner01 piece_banner02 piece_banner03 piece_banner04 piece_banner05 piece_bed02 piece_beehive piece_bench01 piece_brazierceiling01 piece_cauldron piece_chair piece_chair02 piece_chest piece_chest_private piece_chest_wood piece_cookingstation piece_gift1 piece_gift2 piece_gift3 piece_groundtorch piece_groundtorch_green piece_groundtorch_wood piece_jackoturnip piece_maypole piece_sharpstakes piece_spinningwheel piece_stonecutter piece_table piece_throne01 piece_walltorch piece_workbench piece_workbench_ext1 piece_workbench_ext2 piece_workbench_ext3 piece_workbench_ext4 piece_xmastree PineTree Pinetree_01 Pinetree_01_Stub PineTree_log PineTree_log_half PineTree_log_halfOLD PineTree_logOLD PineTree_Sapling Player Player_ragdoll Player_ragdoll_old Player_tombstone PlayerUnarmed portal portal_wood projectile_beam projectile_chitinharpoon projectile_meteor projectile_wolffang raise RaspberryBush replant Rock_3 Rock_3_frac Rock_4 Rock_4_plains Rock_7 Rock_destructible Rock_destructible_test rock1_mountain rock1_mountain_frac rock2_heath rock2_heath_frac rock2_mountain rock2_mountain_frac rock3_mountain rock3_mountain_frac rock3_silver rock3_silver_frac rock4_coast rock4_coast_frac rock4_copper rock4_copper_frac rock4_forest rock4_forest_frac rock4_heath rock4_heath_frac RockFinger RockFinger_frac RockFingerBroken RockFingerBroken_frac rockformation1 RockThumb RockThumb_frac root07 root08 root11 root12 rug_deer rug_fur rug_wolf sapling_barley sapling_carrot sapling_flax sapling_seedcarrot sapling_seedturnip sapling_turnip shaman_attack_aoe shaman_heal_aoe ship_construction shipwreck_karve_bottomboards shipwreck_karve_bow shipwreck_karve_chest shipwreck_karve_dragonhead shipwreck_karve_stern shipwreck_karve_sternpost shrub_2 shrub_2_heath sign sign_notext silvervein silvervein_frac skeleton_bow skeleton_mace Skeleton_NoArcher skeleton_sword Skull1 Skull2 sledge_aoe smelter stake_wall StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf StaminaUpgrade_Troll StaminaUpgrade_Wraith StatueCorgi StatueDeer StatueEvil StatueHare StatueSeed stone_arch stone_floor stone_floor_2x2 stone_pile stone_pillar stone_stair stone_wall_1x1 stone_wall_2x1 stone_wall_4x2 stoneblock_fracture stonechest stonegolem_attack1_spike StoneGolem_clubs StoneGolem_hat Stonegolem_ragdoll StoneGolem_spikes stubbe stubbe_spawner sunken_crypt_gate SwampTree1 SwampTree1_log SwampTree1_Stub SwampTree2 SwampTree2_darkland SwampTree2_log TentaRoot tentaroot_attack tolroko_flyer TrainingDummy TreasureChest_blackforest TreasureChest_fCrypt TreasureChest_forestcrypt TreasureChest_heath TreasureChest_meadows TreasureChest_meadows_buried TreasureChest_mountains TreasureChest_plains_stone TreasureChest_sunkencrypt TreasureChest_swamp TreasureChest_trollcave troll_groundslam_aoe troll_log_swing_h troll_log_swing_v Troll_ragdoll troll_throw_projectile tunnel_web turf_roof turf_roof_top turf_roof_wall VegvisirShard_Bonemass vertical_web vines widestone widestone_frac windmill Wolf_Ragdoll wood_beam wood_beam_1 wood_beam_26 wood_beam_45 wood_door wood_dragon1 wood_fence wood_floor wood_floor_1x1 wood_gate wood_ledge wood_pole wood_pole_log wood_pole_log_4 wood_pole2 wood_roof wood_roof_45 wood_roof_icorner wood_roof_icorner_45 wood_roof_ocorner wood_roof_ocorner_45 wood_roof_top wood_roof_top_45 wood_stack wood_stair wood_stepladder wood_wall_half wood_wall_log wood_wall_log_4x0.5 wood_wall_roof wood_wall_roof_45 wood_wall_roof_top wood_wall_roof_top_45 woodiron_beam woodiron_pole woodwall wraith_melee

Valheim enemies console commands

Blob BlobElite Boar Boar_piggy Crow Deathsquito Deer Draugr Draugr_Elite Draugr_Ranged Fenring Ghost Goblin GoblinArcher GoblinBrute GoblinClub GoblinHelmet GoblinLegband GoblinLoin GoblinShaman GoblinShoulders GoblinSpear GoblinSword GoblinTorch GoblinTotem Greydwarf Greydwarf_Elite Greydwarf_Root Greydwarf_Shaman Greyling Leech Lox Neck Seagal Serpent Skeleton Skeleton_Poison StoneGolem Surtling Troll Valkyrie Wolf Wolf_cub Wraith

Valheim bosses console commands

Eikthyr: Spawns Eikthyr. gd_king: Spawns The Elder. Bonemass: Spawns Bonemass. Dragon: Spawns Moder. GoblinKing: Spawns Yagluth.

Valheim NPCs console commands

Haldor: Spawns Haldor. Be warned: he spawns a foot off the ground and can’t be interacted with or removed.

Valheim spawners console commands

BonePileSpawner Spawner_Blob Spawner_BlobElite Spawner_Boar Spawner_Draugr Spawner_Draugr_Elite Spawner_Draugr_Noise Spawner_Draugr_Ranged Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30 Spawner_DraugrPile Spawner_Fenring Spawner_Fish4 Spawner_Ghost Spawner_Goblin Spawner_GoblinArcher Spawner_GoblinBrute Spawner_GoblinShaman Spawner_Greydwarf Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman Spawner_GreydwarfNest Spawner_Hatchling Spawner_imp Spawner_imp_respawn Spawner_Leech_cave Spawner_Location_Elite Spawner_Location_Greydwarf Spawner_Location_Shaman Spawner_Skeleton Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher Spawner_Skeleton_poison Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30 Spawner_StoneGolem Spawner_Troll Spawner_Wraith

Thanks are due to the fans on r/Valheim, particularly u/Demogrim, for their work on compiling this list! For your other Valheim needs, be sure to check out our guide hub page for the game.

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